The Dark Crystal


urSu the Wisest of the Mystics

Eight urRu found death, seeing in foretold in their sand paintings and whirling stones. Whenever an UrRu (The Mystics) died in the Valley, a Skeksis died in the castle, for their bodies were divided but their souls were still linked. Ten were left, the number of stability and completelness needed to sustain the council of the urRu.

Of the dead I will not speak, for their presence may be felt anywhere; learn form them yourself. Only of the living will I speak. I will record the name of urSu the Master, who chose death that the balance of urRu and Skeksis might be broken. Wise was he always and subtle in meditation beyond my understanding.

Text from:
Brian Froud, The World of the Dark Crystal [ISBN: 1 86205 624 2]
Henson Organization Publishing / Harry N. Abrams, New York 2003
Originally published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York 1982
The urRu march toward the Castle of the Crystal ... to their destiny
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